February 08, 2018
RECORDER SONATA premiere in RAM's New Recital Hall 5th of March, 2018
Musicians of the Historical Performance programme supervised by Recorder Virtuoso Tabea Debus at the Royal Academy of Music will be premiering six new works for recorders on the Royal Academy of Music New Recital Hall at 19h on the 5th of March, 2018.
Marino Arcaro's Sonata for 2 Recorders, Cello & Continuo will be premiered as part of the evening's program.
February 08, 2018
READ Vitor Noah's Thesis on Marino Arcaro's Book of Preludes
Click the button below to read Vitor Noah's thesis written on the subject of Marino Arcaro 1st book of prelude's for the solo guitar, "L'Imagérie de nos Pensées". This was part of a lecture recital and publication of the thesis at UNIVERSITÄT FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST GRAZ as part of the completion of a Masters Degree.